Public speaking

Professor Jorge Sá is a speaker on the following topics: Drucker concepts; Kotler concepts; strategy (corporate and business for product/brand managers); and others (leadership, staffing, etc.)

Our office provides both conferences/workshops and internal Mini-MBAs (for top or middle managers).

Professor Sá’s conferences are based on books endorsed by Peter Drucker (founder of modern management) and Philip Kotler (founder of modern marketing), with whom Professor Sá studied and who offered endorsements for his books and work.

“Dear Professor Sá, many thanks for your outstanding presentation. It was well structured, very clear, simple and pleasant. You are a very natural speaker. Great work. I must say that a lot of economists (from Academia) are still not able to communicate deeply and properly to the general public. That is a pitty. It was a pleasure and an honour to see your “one man show”. A lot of humility and outstanding communicator.”
Dr. Moncef Hadhri
European Chemical Industry Council, Brussels

We provide companies top and middle management with an internal Mini-MBA where:

  • Mornings are dedicated to the presentation (by Professor Sá and the participants) of the concepts and techniques; 
  • Afternoons for 1) individual coaching and 2) groups preparation of their presentations for the next morning;
  • Sessions: generally two consecutive days of the week/month during a certain period (in the other days participants perform their normal jobs);
  • The Mini-MBAs  come in three versions: micro (8 days); mini (12 days); and standard (20 days).
"It conveys a number of really powerful and important concepts that my entire team got."
Mark Kirby
CEO of Mutual Corporation

Professor Sá at TED USA

Professor Sá style (silent)

Opus artificem probat

Amat victoria curam