CONFERENCE ON: “Nothing changes: Drucker’s questions to create competitive organizations are eternal”

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair) as Peter Drucker speaker just gave a talk on:  “Nothing changes: Drucker’s questions to create competitive organizations are eternal” This conference was an extension of Professor Sá’s TED USA talk (link: ) and it focused on: 1. Jorge Sá is an expert … Continue reading CONFERENCE ON: “Nothing changes: Drucker’s questions to create competitive organizations are eternal”

CONFERENCE ON: “Why the top ten countries in the world have 60 times the GDP per capita of the bottom ten? : countries are companies”

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair; Peter Drucker speaker) gave recently a talk on: “Why the top ten countries in the world have 60 times the GDP per capita of the bottom ten? : countries are companies” Following Peter Drucker’s saying “There are no underdeveloped countries, only undermanaged ones”, … Continue reading CONFERENCE ON: “Why the top ten countries in the world have 60 times the GDP per capita of the bottom ten? : countries are companies”

TED CONFERENCE: Nothing changes: Peter Drucker’s questions to create competitive organizations are eternal

TED CONFERENCE Heraclitus (the ancient scientist), Buddha, Marcus Aurelius (the roman emperor and philosopher), they all agreed that the only thing constant in this world is change. So, if we keep on doing what succeeded in the past we will fail in the future (Peter Drucker). And to change is to improve, to change continuously … Continue reading TED CONFERENCE: Nothing changes: Peter Drucker’s questions to create competitive organizations are eternal

BOOKLET: Salamanca: where an allied army of English, Spanish and Portuguese marked the rise of Wellington and the demise of Napoleon

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair; Peter Drucker speaker) is an international speaker and author, having published several books on business and economics topics, translated into twelve languages. Together with our office, Professor Jorge Sá also produced a series of six small booklets on the lessons of battles/wars for … Continue reading BOOKLET: Salamanca: where an allied army of English, Spanish and Portuguese marked the rise of Wellington and the demise of Napoleon

BOOKLET: Delivering the Letter to Garcia

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair; Peter Drucker speaker) is an international speaker and author, having published several books on business and economics topics, translated into twelve languages. Together with our office, Professor Jorge Sá also produced small booklets on business administration, economics and other topics, namely the booklet: … Continue reading BOOKLET: Delivering the Letter to Garcia

CONFERENCE ON: “Peter Drucker On How To Manage Clients And Make (The Five Sections Of) A Marketing Plan”

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair) as Peter Drucker speaker gave recently a talk on: “Peter Drucker on how to manage clients and make (the five sections of) a marketing plan” Following Peter Drucker’s saying “the purpose of a business is to create a customer”, this conference focused on … Continue reading CONFERENCE ON: “Peter Drucker On How To Manage Clients And Make (The Five Sections Of) A Marketing Plan”

BOOK: The (Non) Competitiveness of the European Union

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair; Peter Drucker speaker) is an international speaker and author, having published several books on business and economics topics, namely the book: “The (non) competitiveness of the European Union: facts, causes and solutions” This book focuses on the European economy. Not on its political … Continue reading BOOK: The (Non) Competitiveness of the European Union

CONFERENCE ON: “Peter Drucker on effective leadership: what really matters”

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair) as Peter Drucker speaker gave recently a talk on: “Peter Drucker on effective leadership: what really matters” This conference focused on the message of Peter Drucker, the founder of modern management: The talk was based on Professor Sá’s book “There is no leadership: … Continue reading CONFERENCE ON: “Peter Drucker on effective leadership: what really matters”

BOOKLET: Hannibal in Cannae: the lessons for business strategy on how to encircle a large competitor

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair; Peter Drucker speaker) is an international speaker and author, having published several books on business and economics topics, translated into twelve languages. Together with our office, Professor Jorge Sá also produced a series of six small booklets on the lessons of battles/wars for … Continue reading BOOKLET: Hannibal in Cannae: the lessons for business strategy on how to encircle a large competitor

BOOK: Shakespeare, Henry V and the Lessons for Management

Professor Jorge Sá (PhD Columbia University; MBA Drucker University; Jean Monnet Chair; Peter Drucker speaker) is an international speaker and author, having published several books on business and economics topics, namely the book: “Shakespeare, Henry V and the Lessons for Management” History is the memory of mankind. Without its knowledge, we are condemned to start … Continue reading BOOK: Shakespeare, Henry V and the Lessons for Management