Conference at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics

Jorge Sá gave a conference to the Alumni of Católica School of Business & Economics on the topic:

“Nobels Thaler and Kahneman of behavioral economics: the revolution in economics and management”

The conference was attended by more than 60 Alumni who are now top managers of major companies and were commemorating the alumni 35th anniversary.

The focus of Professor Sá’s conference was on:

  • The Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to Richard Thaler in 2017 (and previously to Daniel Kahneman in 2002) starting in psychology is now having a revolutionary impact on both economics and all areas of business administration (management, marketing, etc.)
  • As an example just in the areas of pricing and negotiation/sales/communication, behavioral economics created 30 and 52 new techniques, respectively.
  • This revolution today creates a huge opportunity: the institution that makes it better and faster will gain overall/global advantage over the competition.
  • And applying the two Nobels (R. Thaler and D. Kahneman on behavioral economics) to all areas of business administration facilitates the use of this opportunity.

Professor Sá is the President of Vasconcellos e Sá Associates, a Drucker expert, an economic freedom speaker and an European competitiveness speaker and expert.

Professor Jorge Sá is a world-renowned Drucker and Kotler speaker on management, global economic environment and economics topics. (economic freedom expert brazil)

His conferences are based on books endorsed by Peter Drucker (founder of modern management) and Philip Kotler (founder of modern marketing), the two Nobel prizes on behavioral economics (D. Kahneman and R. Thaler), and the practices of the best managers in the world (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Alfred Sloan, Andy Grove, Helmut Maucher, A.G. Lafley, among others).

Major topics of Professor Sá’s conferences:

  • Practical Drucker: how to create battle-ready organizations
  • Corporate strategy
  • Business strategy
  • Leadership
  • Staffing based on Shakespeare (Henry V)
  • Focus and time management
  • Client management
  • The two Nobel prizes on behavioral economics
  • Churchill and how to create a strong organizational culture
  • Promotion
  • The eleven trends in the global economic environment
  • The power of economic freedom: how to increase a country’s productivity
  • The competitiveness of the major world economic blocks
  • Our world, our ignorance

For more information on Professor Sá’s conferences check our page: