On November 28th, 2016, Professor Jorge Sá (who wrote several Drucker books) gave an interview to the Estonia Marketing Institute radio on the theme:
Drucker’s five questions on client management
In this interview he explains marketing essentials, strategy, customer needs and satisfaction surveys.
The interview is available at: http://mi.ee/turundusraadio/druckers-five-questions
Related to this interview, Professor Sá gives frequently worldwide a conference on the subject:
How to manage clients: the five fundamental questions of Peter Drucker and how to collect non expensive data
This conference is based on the following five questions of Peter Drucker:
- Who is the client and the non client?
- Where is the client (in 1) geographical areas, 2) distribution channels, 3) physical locations and 4) time)?
- What is value and non value for the client?
- Which other client’s needs can we satisfy?
- How can we use our resources to satisfy other clients/needs?
Sample of endorsements received:
- “Congratulations Professor Sá on your wonderful career.” (Peter Drucker – Founder of modern management)
- “Professor Sá captures the key points of the Drucker Forum in an incredibly rich and rewarding experience.” (Cecily Drucker – Daughter of Peter Drucker and CEO of start-up Strategies)
Professor Jorge Sá is a world-renowned Drucker speaker on management, global economic environment and economics topics. (economic freedom expert brazil)
His conferences are based on books endorsed by Peter Drucker (founder of modern management) and Philip Kotler (founder of modern marketing), the two Nobel prizes on behavioral economics (D. Kahneman and R. Thaler), and the practices of the best managers in the world (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Alfred Sloan, Andy Grove, Helmut Maucher, A.G. Lafley, among others).
Major topics of Professor Sá’s conferences:
- Practical Drucker: how to create battle-ready organizations
- Corporate strategy
- Business strategy
- Leadership
- Staffing based on Shakespeare (Henry V)
- Focus and time management
- Client management
- The two Nobel prizes on behavioral economics
- Churchill and how to create a strong organizational culture
- Promotion
- The eleven trends in the global economic environment
- The power of economic freedom: how to increase a country’s productivity
- The competitiveness of the major world economic blocks
- Our world, our ignorance
For more information on Professor Sá’s conferences check our page: https://www.vasconcellosesa.com/public-speaking/conferences/